
“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” – Charlotte Mason

"To educate man is the art of arts, for he is the most complex and mysterious of all creatures." - Gregory the Theologian

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Nature Deficit Disorder and the Victorians

Nature Deficit Disorder (NDD), a term coined by Richard Louv in his book Last Child in the Woods, concerns the damaging effects of children spending less time outdoors in the modern world.  A hot topic of late, but apparently not such a recent phenomenon.  Victorian educator, Charlotte Mason, recognized the great benefits of spending time out of doors and incorporated it into her educational philosophy.

This post really wasn't meant to be about NDD, however, but about one of the funniest books written in the English language.  Jerome K. Jerome's  Three Men In A Boat.  It's about three nature deprived Victorian lads who decide to take a boat trip up the Thames.  Here you can witness the hilarious effects of NDD in a laugh out loud comic classic.

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