
“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” – Charlotte Mason

"To educate man is the art of arts, for he is the most complex and mysterious of all creatures." - Gregory the Theologian

Monday, June 25, 2012

Our Experiment in Writing Instruction

Here is the very simple approach to writing we have developed for our eleven year old son along with the latest sample of his writing.

1) Writing is a skill that is developed through practice.
2) One crucial component of practice is imitation.  
3) Much reading of well written books along with oral narrations provide the foundation of writing.
4) Learning to write should not be a burden or produce anxiety in the child.

Do each item below once per week (we do one per day):
1) Copy work: copy a well written sentence in beautiful cursive
2) Dictation: write a well written sentence as dictated from Mom
3) Imitate a well written sentence (we are using this excellent sentence imitation book)
4) Imitate a well written sentence (we are using this excellent sentence imitation book)
5) Write a narration from one of the week’s readings

Here is the most recent assignment and the unedited first draft:

The assignment was to "Narrate the battle of Grendel and Beowulf (try to capture the mood)."
When night came, King Rothgar and his men went to their sleeping quarters, while Beowulf and his men waited for Grendel.  Soon all the men were asleep exept for Beowulf.  Then at the stroke of midnight Grendel came stalking into the hall, he tore one man to pieces and ate him then reached out for another to take back to his home in the marshes.  But the man he reached for was Beowulf and as the evil hand came toward him he jumped out of the bed and grabbed it.  Beowulf was as strong as ten men and at once Grendel knew he would not live another day.  But still he struggled and pulled so hard that his arm came off in Beowulf’s hand giving Grendel a mortal wound.  Then Rothgar rewarded Beowulf richly and he hung the arm of Grendel above the door to the hall.

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