
“Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, and a life.” – Charlotte Mason

"To educate man is the art of arts, for he is the most complex and mysterious of all creatures." - Gregory the Theologian

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Great Tradition

The Great Tradition will go on because the forces of nature are on its side; it has on its side an invincible ally, the self-preserving instinct of humanity. Men may forsake it, but they will come back to it because they must; their collective existence cannot permanently go on without it. Whole societies may disallow it and set it at nought, as ours has done; they may try to live by ways of their own, by bread alone, by bread and buncombe, by riches and power, by economic exploitation, by intensive industrialism, quantity-production, by what you please; but in the end they will find, as so many societies have already found, that they must return and seek the regenerative power of the Great Tradition, or lapse into decay and death. - Ablert Jay Nock , The Theory of Education in the United States

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